Business First | Triad Therapy guest blog - Free 'check in' service…

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Triad Therapy guest blog - Free 'check in' service during lock-down.

20 Apr 2020 –– Community

Tenants at our Burnley Business Centre, Triad Therapy, are offering a free of charge service for people who want to speak with a professional about their feelings and frustrations that COVID-19 has brought up.

With the worldwide spread of coronavirus, the heartbreaking illnesses and deaths, and a worldwide lock down - we are currently living in a situation that's is unprecedented.

Nobody knows what to expect, how long this will last and if it’s going to affect those closest to us and other concerns like money, health and just day to day living to name a few. This has brought a huge amount of worry and anxiety with it.

Because of the lock down and social distancing rules that have been enforced, it has created a large amount of frustration. People are frustrated with being trapped inside, people are frustrated with others not following the rules, and frustrated with others who maybe don't believe all this is necessary. We have noticed this from social media, and we know that sitting with feelings of anxiety and frustration are not healthy for anyone..

This is why we have decided to create a free of charge service for people who just want to speak with a professional about their feelings and frustrations that COVID-19 has brought up.

By talking to a professional it may ease your anxiety or lower your frustrations which could help with living in these unprecedented times.

We are calling it a check in service "The Triad Check in". This is not counselling as such - It is simply a free service for people to chat online with a professional so they can discuss what's happening for them, and hopefully relieve a bit of pressure on their day to day lives. The check ins will be 30 minutes long and are limited to 4 check ins per person to ensure we can fulfill the demand.

However after your fourth check in you can request to be added to the back of the queue again if you feel you need more. This free service will last for as long as the lock down is in place.

To book your check in simply email us at

Don't worry if you’re not the first in the queue - we will be working as hard as we can to help as many people as possible.

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Scott and Dave - Triad Therapy