Business First | Business First is a drop off for Mission Christmas…

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Business First is a drop off for Mission Christmas campaign

11 Dec 2018 –– Company

Business First centres are once again a drop-off point for the Cash For Kids Mission Christmas campaign.

Buy an extra gift this year and drop it off at our Blackburn, Burnley, Ribble Court (Padiham), Group First House (Padiham) or Liverpool business centres. Then, it will be taken to the local depot and distributed to an underprivileged child this Christmas.

We are accepting gifts for children of all ages.

All donated gifts must be new and unwrapped.

Mission Christmas is an annual campaign run by children’s charity Cash For Kids.

Their website says: “Our new friend Reliant the Robin is out and about pointing Santa to all of the children at risk of waking up to nothing on Christmas morning – but we need your help!

“Please donate just one gift if you can, and he’ll make sure the Big Guy delivers it to a child near you. All gifts should be new and unwrapped, and you can drop them off at thousands of locations. Thank you for helping us to make a difference this Christmas.”

If you can’t make it to one of our centres, you can find another drop-off point in your area here.

Please spread the word, donate what you can and make a huge difference to a deserving child this Christmas – it may be the only gift they receive.

The final date to drop off gifts at our Liverpool business centre is this Thursday, 13 December.

The final date to drop off gifts at our Blackburn, Burnley and Padiham centres is Monday, 17 December.

Thank you and happy Christmas!