Business First | Inside Business First - Ruby Cosmetics

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Inside Business First - Ruby Cosmetics

08 Jul 2020 –– Testimonials

Ruby Cosmetics is based at our Blackpool business centre. Find out more about the company here.

What does your business do? 

Ruby Cosmetics offers a professional gel nail, it allows you to get a salon finish from the comfort of your own home.

What is your business called? 

Ruby Cosmetics.

How did you hear about Business First? 

Another tenant recommended you.

Why did you decide to operate from our offices? 

Affordable prices, a modern centre with facilities that help me run my business smoothly.

When did you first move in/how long have you been at Business First? 


How big is your office? 

250 sqft.

What benefits do you get from operating from Business First? 

Hannah, our Business Centre Manager signs for our parcels. 

Do you make use of the free facilities at Business First? 

Yes, I use all the free facilities, also I love that they promote us as a company throughout all of their 8 business centres.

How has Business First helped you to run your business successfully? 

It allows couriers easy access to the building to collect parcels. I have access to my office 24/7 with a Centre Manager on site Monday – Friday to help with anything else I may need.

What would you say the best thing Business First has done for your business is? 

It's allowed me to differentiate my home life from work.

Would you recommend Business First to other SMEs? 


What’s next for your business? 

To hopefully grow as brand introducing new products and opportunities.

Ruby Cosmetics are offering fellow Business First tenants 30% off the full website with discount code: Business30