Business First | Inside Business First - Mortimers Building Surveyors

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Inside Business First - Mortimers Building Surveyors

08 Jun 2020 –– Testimonials

Find out more about Mortimers Building Surveyors, based at our Ribble Court Padiham offices.

What does your business do?

We're chartered building surveyors. 

How did you hear about Business First?

From Pierce Accountants, who are based in Blackburn.

How long have you been at Business First's Ribble Court business centre?

Since March 2014. 

Why did you decide to operate from our offices?

Due to the size and type of office, and its location. 

What benefits do you get from working out of Business First?

Reasonable rent, ideal office size and quality. It's well run. 

Do you make use of the free facilities at Business First?

Not generally. 

What's the best thing Business First has done for your business?

It's an ideal base for a new business enterprise. 

Would you recommend Business First to other SMEs?


What’s next for Mortimers Building Surveyors?

Carrying on in the present way. 

Book a viewing at Business First

We have offices to let across the north-west, as well as Liverpool and Paisley. Visit our locations to find your nearest available office space.