Business First | Inside Business First: CJK Drones

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Inside Business First: CJK Drones

05 May 2022 –– Community

We spoke to our new Blackpool tenant to find out more about what they do and why they have chosen Business First as their new home.

What does your business do? 

Our Company provides a variety of services for inspection using drone technology. We can offer our clients aerial images, video, 3D mapping, aerial inspections, confined space inspections, construction progress images, thermal inspections, and business promotional images and videos, but the list is endless. We work closely with the drone industry to test and trial other new innovative technology to ensure that we are exceptionally well informed and part of our industry's research team; we recently tested an ariel magnetometer. We also collaborate with other Drone operators to assist where required.

What is your business called? 


How did you hear about Business First? 

We found Business First through a Google search on local office space.

Why did you decide to operate from our offices? 

The location of Business First Blackpool is ideal for us.

When did you first move in/how long have you been at Business First? 

We're new tenants; we moved in on the 1st of April 2022.

How big is your office? 

Our office space is 250 sqft.

What benefits do you get from operating from Business First? 

The most significant benefit is being able to separate home and work life; the office space allows us to find a good balance and not take work home with us.

Do you make use of the free facilities at Business First? 

We have yet to try out the free facilities that Business First offers.

How has Business First helped you to run your business successfully? 

Having an office at Business First has helped us focus solely on the business and gives us the professional space we need.

What would you say the best thing Business First has done for your business is? 

Provided us with the much-needed office space to prioritise our focuses within the company without having to work from home.

Would you recommend Business First to other SMEs? 

Yes, I would recommend Business First.

What's next for your business? 

Hopefully, growth in personnel and office space as well as growth in the drone market. We are potentially looking into becoming a training provider and linking with other businesses.

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