Inside Business First - Cassons Financial Planning Limited
Independent Financial Advisors, Cassons Financial Planning Limited is based out of our Ribble Court offices, in Padiham. Find out more about the company and our Padiham office space here.
What does your business do?
IFAs (Independent Financial Advisers)
What is your business called?
Cassons Financial Planning Limited
How did you hear about Business First?
Local area knowledge
Why did you decide to operate from our offices?
Seemed like a good fit and the flexible terms suited our business
When did you first move in/how long have you been at Business First?
1st November
How big is your office?
450 square feet
What benefits do you get from operating from Business First?
Good access for our staff and clients
Do you make use of the free facilities at Business First?
Not as yet but we will
How has Business First helped you to run your business successfully?
Early days, the move was smooth
What would you say the best thing Business First has done for your business is?
Provide accommodation that fits our business model
Would you recommend Business First to other SMEs?