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Inside Business First - Business Information Group Limited

01 Jun 2018 –– News

Inside Business First - Business Information Group Limited

Please join us in welcoming the Business Information Group to our Burnley business centre - they have just moved in today and we can't wait for them to start enjoying our facilities! To get to know them a little better, we asked them a few questions about their business and why they chose to locate it at our Burnley centre.

What does your business do?

Coaching and training bespoke or training roadshows.

How did you hear about Business First offices in Burnley?

The offices are local to us so we were aware of them.

Why did you decide to operate from our offices?

Cost, convenience.

When did you first move into your Burnley office?

We are due to take up a 250 sq ft unit on 1st June 2018.

What would you say the best thing Business First has done for your business is?

It has given us a cost-effective office space - we would recommend Business First to other SMEs.

View our Burnley offices to let

Centre manager Michael and apprentice Niamh have offices to let at our Burnley business centre, located across the road from Sycamore Farm Pub & Restaurant on Liverpool Road. Contact them today to arrange your viewing by calling 01282 686699 or emailing