Business First | Inside Business First: Alliance Service Group

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Inside Business First: Alliance Service Group

12 Jan 2021 –– Testimonials

Alliance Service Group has recently moved into our Burnley offices. Find out more about the company and our Burnley office space here.

What does your business do?

We are a CQC registered domiciliary care service. (Home care). Other services included: SIA registered security guard, first aid training, people moving and handling, health care professional, commercial and domestic cleaners, industrial staff.

What is your business called?

Alliance Service Group.

How did you hear about Business First?

We have done security within the site. 

Why did you decide to operate from our offices?

The quality and offices are very professional.

When did you first move in/how long have you been at Business First?

We moved into Business First Burnley on the 4th January 2021. 

How big is your office?

A reasonable size which is suitable for our service, 250 sqft. 

What benefits do you get from operating from Business First?

We are able to benefit from Business First as we have access to free car parking, an indoor gym, free advertisement across the Business First network and 24-hour access to the building. 

Do you make use of the free facilities at Business First?

Yes we have been able to use the facilities. 

How has Business First helped you to run your business successfully?

Business First has allowed us to set up our services, networking and access to computers and phones in order to advertise appropriately. 

What would you say the best thing Business First has done for your business is?

We have 24-hour access to the building and free car parking. 

Would you recommend Business First to other SMEs?

Yes, we do recommend Business First 

What's next for your business?

To progress further and establish a domiciliary care within the industry.