Business First | Inside Business First - AJP Surveyors

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Inside Business First - AJP Surveyors

02 Mar 2020 –– Testimonials
AJP Surveyors is a company based at our Burnley business centre

With a variety of businesses based at our centres, we're taking the time to meet them individually and ask why they chose Business First and how it works for them.

What does your business do?

AJP Surveyors is a surveying and property management company.

How did you hear about Business First offices in Burnley?

Through valuation work.

When did you move in?


How big is your office?

500 sq ft.

What are the benefits of working from Business First?

Facilities like Parking, boardrooms and ease of access.

Would you recommend Business First to other SMEs?


What's next for your business?

Plodding on.

View Burnley offices to let

Come and see for yourself how our Burnley offices could help your business create a big impression. Book a viewing by calling 01282 686699 or emailing