Business First | Business First joins Burnley College World Record…

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Business First joins Burnley College World Record Attempt

21 Feb 2018 –– News

Business First staff are gearing up to take part in an attempt to create a new Guinness World Record next month.

Business First team members will be joining a team effort to break the existing world record for the number of people simultaneously doing press-ups at the same time for one minute.

The record currently stands at 1645 people and was set in the United Arab Emirates in 2017.

The attempt will take place at Burnley College on Thursday 22 March, between 12pm and 1pm.

Participants must do full press-ups for the full minute!

The event is being organised by Fitness Evolution, who said: "On Thursday 22 March we're attempting a Guinness World Record for the largest number of people in one place performing press-ups at the same time. We are on a mission to break the current world record and get Burnley active. Join us!"

Business First's Burnley centre manager said: "I love a challenge and it's great to see the community coming together to put Burnley on the map for encouraging active lifestyles. I'm not sure if I can do more than 10 press-ups at the moment, but I plan to work on this in preparation for the event!"

Luckily for us, our Burnley business centre has a fully equipped gym where we can practice our press-ups, build muscle and get the heart rate pumping with a range of free weights and cardio machines.

There's still time to get involved in the event if you think you're up to the challenge - you can register online by clicking here: