Business First | 5 Ideas to Make Your Daily Work Commute More…

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5 Ideas to Make Your Daily Work Commute More Enjoyable

28 Jul 2022 –– Tips & Advice

Did you know the average UK commute is 59 minutes to and from your place of work? With more and more people leaving the comfort of their home offices to return to their normal workplace, workers are now spending more time travelling.

But what if you could find a way to enjoy your commute? What if you could use your time on the road to prepare for the day ahead, so you arrive energised and raring to go?

1. Get a head start on your day

If you’re using public transport to get to work, then you can use this time to plan out your day before you get to the office. Jot down your to-do lists, tick off any jobs from the day before you completed, or even respond to a couple of emails to lighten the load for when you get to the office.

If you’re driving to work and answering emails isn’t an option, you can still mentally prepare for the day by going over your task list in your head, so you can still plan out the best use of your time, just without a pen and paper in hand.

2. Learn or practice a new skill

Whatever your interest, there seems to be a podcast for it! Why not learn a new skill during your commute? Fancy learning a new language? Or getting up to speed with the latest industry practices? There’s probably a podcast or audiobook for it, so while you’re on your commute, press play and learn something new..

Not only is it a great way to start your day, but it also helps to get your brain engaged before you get to the office, so you’re ready to go when you start work, rather than waiting for that first coffee to kick in!

3. Do more of what you enjoy!

Fallen behind on your favourite shows and have an hour train commute to the office? Watch an episode before you get to work. Just don’t get so engrossed that you miss your stop!

If you’re driving, why not arrive at the office in a good mood by playing your favourite music or podcast in the car? This way, you can start your day off on a high which can also improve your productivity when you get into work so everyone wins.

4. Get the blood pumping

Who says you have to stay seated for your commute? With the ever evolving climate crisis, more people are ditching their cars and finding environmentally friendlier alternative ways to get to work in the morning.

If your workplace is nearby, why not see how long it takes you to walk it in the morning? Or if it’s a bit further away, you could swap out four wheels for two and cycle to and from work. Not only will you be doing your bit for the environment, but you’d also be getting fit at the same time.

You also get a serotonin boost from exercise, so you can get to the office in a good mood ready to start the day!

5. Take a breather

Use your commute to calm your mind. Whether you’re using public transport, walking, or driving to the office, use the time to listen to calming music, a mindfulness podcast, or anything that means you arrive to work feeling a bit more zen.

Work can often be the cause of unwanted stress for a lot of people, so make sure to start and end your day with relaxing energies to counter it.

Commutes don’t have to be boring or stressful any more; there are plenty of ways for you to make the most of this time to yourself. So you can arrive at the office ready to go and start your day off right, and then decompress from your day before you get home.

Looking for a shorter or less stressful commute? Business First has fully serviced office spaces to rent all across the North West, and with a number of benefits available to anyone renting a space, your work day can be just as enjoyable as your commute!